our Impact
Young people need to be more prepared than ever to counter divisive rhetoric.
Issues around safeguarding and radicalisation are particularly pertinent as we encounter new challenges resulting from political, economic and cultural shifts.
Extreme Dialogue is built on more than 20 years of research and experience in preventing global and community conflict.
As Extreme Dialogue finds its voice in communities across the world we are gathering feedback, quantitative and qualitative data and testimonials about its results.
Extreme Dialogue aims to build long-term, sustainable relationships with schools to ensure the highest levels of impact for both students and teachers.
Cranford Community College in Hounslow began their journey with Extreme Dialogue in 2016, becoming one of the first schools in the U.K. to receive teacher training and roll the programme out amongst their students.
“Extreme Dialogue is so good because it has enabled staff to train sixth form students to successfully and thoughtfully deliver the programme to younger students with confidence, sensitivity and appropriate challenge”
Alan Fraser, Assistant Headteacher,
Cranford Community College.
Having successfully incorporated the programme into their whole-school safeguarding approach, members of the Sixth Form at Cranford undertook Extreme Dialogue peer-to-peer training, alongside teachers from other local schools, before graduating to deliver the programme to younger students.
This approach not only enhanced the confidence and life skills of the Sixth Form students, but also increased the overall impact of the programme among their younger peers.
Over time, the impact Extreme Dialogue had within the school inspired Cranford’s students to create another project in their community, Hear Our Voices, which enabled students to develop creative writing and drama materials in collaboration with local primary schools and their pupils, as well as participate in ISD’s YouthCAN programme for young activists.